Friends and Family Test rolled out across Manx Care services
1st May 2023
Manx Care is committed to gathering feedback from Patients, Clients, Service Users, Carers, Families and everyone who comes into contact with our services.
We are using a very short survey which is quick and simple for people to use and it can be accessed using a mobile telephone.
You can complete the survey using a QR code, which will be available on posters displayed throughout Manx Care settings, as well as leaflets, paper versions, and via a link on the Manx Care Advice and Liaison Service (MCALS) webpage.
Complete the Friends and Family Test
When should I fill in the survey?
Friends and Family testing is a great way for us to listen to your feedback and most importantly make changes to improve our services and the way we provide care.
Do I have to respond?
Your answers are completely voluntary and anonymous, and will not be traced back to you.
A family member, carer or friend is welcome to complete the survey on your behalf if you are unable to do so.
Karen Maddox, Manx Care Advice and Liaison Service Lead, said:
'We are delighted that service users, carers and families will now be able to provide feedback in a more streamlined way. This is another great opportunity to hear about people’s experiences, collate this data and act upon feedback, both positive and negative. We hope that all of our service users will make use of this new system, which we hope will effectively supplement other forms of feedback-gathering across Manx Care.'
Click on the lick or scan the QR code